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I am an Ex-Con turned street minister. I graduated from Teen Challenge and flew to Mexico City. Two years later I graduated with a diploma in Ministry in Spanish. Now I minister to some of the most hurting people in our society.


I focus on simple bible truths from the bible that are taught in all Christian Churches. I was dedicated and baptized in a Pentecostal church. My family has been a part of the Canadian Pentecostal church for three generations. ​

The good news of the Gospel is forgiveness of sin. The consequence of our sins is hell, a place of torment for eternity. The Father sent his only son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. We accept the gift of salvation and forgiveness of sins by faith in Jesus. 

There are great pastors in your community who want to help you. Contact them and get involved in a local church. We are all one family in Christ Jesus our Lord. God bless you.

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